Laser hair removal

Laser Hair Removal FAQs: 13 Questions You’ve Been Dying to Ask

People have been plucking, waxing, and tweezing unwanted hair for decades. But when laser hair removal technology came to be in the mid-1990s, it changed the way that we groom. Over the past twenty years, laser hair removal has become the go-to method for stopping unwanted hair growth. And even though it’s been around for quite […]

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get rid of ingrown hairs

How to Get Rid of Ingrown Hairs

Shaving, waxing, and plucking are an unfortunate part of life. But most of us must do these things on a regular basis. And with those proven methods of hair removal comes one pesky side effect: ingrown hairs. Ingrown hairs can be unsightly and painful, but the good news is that there are some practical ways […]

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preparing for laser hair removal

Preparing for Laser Hair Removal (How-To Guide)

Tired of waxing your bikini line? Sick of shaving your underarms? Fed up with plucking hair follicles from your upper lip? If you’re ready to eliminate shaving, waxing, and plucking from your maintenance routine, it’s time to consider laser hair removal. This procedure is not like walking into a salon and getting a haircut. In fact, […]

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A woman receiving laser hair removal on her underarms.

Is Laser Hair Removal Safe?

Laser hair removal is an excellent alternative to shaving, waxing, and plucking unwanted hairs. From small areas such as the underarms to large areas such as the entire back, laser hair removal is a popular choice for both men and women no matter their skin tone, skin color, or hair color. However, there’s still one […]

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A woman contemplating laser hair removal while pregnant.

Laser Hair Removal While Pregnant: Is It Safe?

When carrying a child, pregnant women’s bodies go through a lot of changes. And one of those hormonal changes is unwanted hair growth. Whether you’re seeing hairs sprout in new places, or your belly is so big you can’t shave your legs, you might consider laser hair removal. But is laser hair removal safe while […]

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